The "Art" of a Closing Argument
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Deliver a Closing That "Sticks"
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Third, you need to use eye contact and body movements to reinforce the actual language of your argument. In order to make your argument as efficient and forceful as possible, you need to make each individual juror feel as though he or she is an important part of the trial. Attempting to make eye contact with each juror is crucial to ensuring that he or she will feel this way. Make eye contact with an individual juror, and maintain such contact for a full sentence or two. But be careful—don’t stare at a juror in such a way that you make them feel uncomfortable or intimidated. You should appear to be having a simple conversation with each person. Be forceful, yet kind in your demeanor.

In addition to eye contact, you should enhance your spoken words through body movement. First and foremost, your positioning itself is a key part of your closing argument. You should face the jury box at all times, and you should maintain a distance far enough away from the jury box that you cannot reach your arm outward and physically touch the jurors. You should also position yourself at the center of the juror box so that all of the jurors can see you clearly. Avoid pacing back and forth, as that might be distracting to the jurors. Instead, use your hands to reinforce your words. Keep your hands positioned above your waist so that all of your movements are near your upper body and near your face (where those important words are being spoken).

Finally, we’ll show how to deliver a closing argument that "sticks" with the jurors.

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