We understand that you will have many different types of legal questions and issues that you want to learn about. That's why LegalFlip.com exists. So, LegalFlip.com is designed to allow you to search for legal articles in multiple ways.
First, you can search by legal categories, which are displayed in the right-hand column on the site. So, for example, if you have a question on a contract issue, click the "Contract Law" category and browse the legal articles within that section. You'll notice that every legal article has a brief teaser paragraph which explains what the article is about along with a relevant picture or graphic. Then, when you click an article, you’ll be taken to that article to learn about the particular legal topic.
Second, you can search by keyword in the search box. Simply type in a word or phrase related to what you are looking for and click the Search button.
Third, you can search by legal articles, which is simply a display of all of our legal articles on one page. This is kind of like our one-stop-shop for searching legal articles. Here, you can quickly browse large segments of articles with the most recent written articles placed at the top of the page descending down to more dated articles at the bottom of the page.
Finally, if you ever have questions about an article, feature, or anything else about LegalFlip.com, feel free to send your questions, comments, and suggestions to info@legalflip.com.